Nerve Strokes Massage Technique (Feathering)

This entry is part [part not set] of 13 in the series Learn Massage

Nerve strokes or feathering is a fingertip massage technique that uses very light pressure on the body. Nerve Strokes are considered a light effleurage, (the French term effleurer describes better nerve strokes than the massage gliding), can be performed on almost any permitted part of the body.

Definition: Nerve strokes or feathering is a fingertip massage technique that uses very light pressure on the body.

Description: Nerve Strokes are considered a light effleurage, (the French term effleurer describes better nerve strokes than the massage gliding), can be performed on almost any permitted part of the body. Nerve-strokes are very light bodywork manipulation, performed by gently running the fingertips across the skin, with the intention to generate deep relaxation. The nerve strokes technique does not have any direct effect on the musculoskeletal system.

The feathering massage can be a deeply relaxing technique and it can be very stimulating, depending on technique and various objective and subjective stimuli. It has a strong sedating effect. It is used to finalize the massage session or massaging a certain area like the back. The direction of the gliding it is not important as you do not move blood or lymph. The use of oil reduces the effectiveness of the glide stroking, so you can perform it when the skin has the least amount of oil. If the skin is oily you can do a light effleurage.
The nerve strokes are also called feathering. Unfortunately, because the technique does not have any direct effect on the soft tissue, it is not very used during a regular Swedish massage session. This technique can be extremely effective during an intimate massage, and this is another reason for its low usage. Some practitioners use the fingertips tapotement instead of gliding which is a rain like finger move and the only parts that moves are the finger, the rest of you hand stands still. That gives a very delicate stroke. It is mostly used on the head massage.

Nerve Strokes Massage Technique Video

Learn How To Do the Feathering Massage Technique

Nerve Strokes Massage Technique Video

Learn How To Do the Feathering Massage Technique


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